Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tanjung Lesung

Tanjung Lesung adalah salah satu Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus yang berada di Wilayah Banten, perjalananku menuju tempat ini kurang lebih 4 jam dari Jakarta, kita bisa keluar dari Tol Serang Timur menuju arah Pandeglang - Mandalawangi -Labuan. Perjalanan kami tidak melalui arah cilegon dikarenakan jalan rusak di area cilegon, Alhamdulillah rute kami saat itu jalannya mulus dan dipenuhi dengan panorama mirip di Lombok NTB, dimana berjajar pohon Kelapa dan terasering padi yang  sangat indah. Sekitar 2 Kilo meter sebelum sampai di temat tujuan, pemandangan indah Pohon berjejer sangat rindang dan rapih.. Look this way was super gorgeous  :")

We enter the beach club and we should Pay 75000 IDR for entering this place for 1 Car and then we can many activities such as banana boat (70.000 IDR Per Pax Minimum 4 Pax) jadi jika hanya anda saja yang akan bermain banana boat, si embak di Beach Club nya tidak akan melayani anda, so it means you have to be in a group :) another activites are dougnout boat (70.000 ID), Snorkeling, fishing, Jet Sking and many more, except parasailing like in Tanjung Benoa Bali ( theres no Parasailing here).

we arrived at 10 am, the water was warm, my niece and my lil nephew were happy in this beach beacuse it was so warm, not too hot and not too cold, the weather also was not hot, the sun was so bright but the wind was so lovely.. 

The beach was so clean and many corals around this beach different with Tanjung Ann in Lombok wich has pepper sands, the sands in Tanjung lesung is mixed with the corrals,  so be careful with your feet. ow yeah and the good things about this place is that we can catch the fishes because there are so many little fish near the seashore, even my little niece caught the fishes. 

There are many hostels and motels or rumah warga yang di sewakan dekat dengan Tanjung Lesung, but if you interested to do camping, this beach club also provide it. Kurang lengkap jika kepantai tidak ditemani dengan kelapa muda, therefore we bought the fresh coconut which the price was 15000 IDR per each coconut. 

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Happy 5th Bday MyKing Baby M

 Assalamualaikum, Dear baby M, happy 5 years, may Allah SWT always protect you and bless you, Aminn.. Tumbuh kembang menjadi anak yang berma...