Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Di Sengat Lebah :D


catalogue deliver saat bunga jakaranda mekar
Pengalaman di sengat lebah ini i think worth to be shared hehehe, yes its shocked when for the first time in mylife i got stunk by the bees, 4 bees total at the same time.. Rasanya tiba tiba seperti di suntik and i didnt realized if they were bees saya kira saya digigit semut.. it was happend when i was walking as a catalogue delivered alias my part time here in Adelaide sebagai pengantar katalog ke rumah rumah.. yesss rumah rumah disini mostly have a beautiful gardens with tidy and neat flowers and sepanjang jalan pepohonan rimbun ad of course the bees loving to be here same as i do..

kotak  pos tempat katalog

So, when you walk its important to see your surrounding and watch your step and pastikan tidak ada gerombolan lebah yang sedang have meeting hihihi..

if you got stunk by the bees.. atau jika di sengat lebah we have to still think positive and believe that lebah tersebut bring something good to our body hehehe and dont be panic, lebah akan terus mengikuti kita saat kita panik (yeah as i read many articles in google) keep in mind they love us hihihi.. 

cara menghilangkan sakit nya hanya cukup di bilas dengan air, bagian tubuh yang disengat tersebut.. keep relax. yeah i felt pain and it was bengkak juga. lalu malam nya i felt sedikit demam dan alhamdulillah besoknya feeling better dan beberapa hari kemudian bagian yang di sengat akan terasa gatal but the rest everything okay.. so i wrap up the healing process between 2-4 hari.. 


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